Friday, March 27, 2020

Sacred Relationships

I've been focusing on understanding and building sacred relationships. My current understanding of the nature of a sacred relationship is as follows.

Sacred relationships are about experiencing unity with another.
They are about recognising the divine in self and the 'other'.

Sacred relationships are about wholehearted love without judgement.
They are about giving and receiving as one.

Sacred relationships are relationships with truth rather than illusion.
They are joyful and exist within joy.

Sacred relationships exist in Oneness.
You cannot lose something or be separate from something that is one.

Making a relationship 'special' creates separation.
This is usually done to make self special, worthy of the love of someone called special.

Love is infinite, there is no need to ration it.
To claim to love someone more than anyone else is to love others less - to withhold love.

Making a relationship 'special' creates expectations and builds a relationship with illusion.
This blinds us to the full grandeur of another.

'Special' relationships lead to conditional love and fear.
Fear of loss of love, fear of separation, fear of loneliness.

Sacred relationships are a dance with the divine.
The divine feminine and masculine dance within self and within relationships.

The divine feminine is loving, compassionate, confident and powerful.
The divine masculine is loving, compassionate, confident and powerful.

Sacred relationships open a divine space for mutual healing and awakening.
Divine energies flow with shared trust, wisdom and love.

Sacred relationships are about being fully present in shared moments.
They are a safe haven for an intimate embracing of the Now.

Sacred relationships nurture opportunities for divine service.
The co-creation of collaborative service with others.

Every relationship is sacred. Every human is sovereign.
Every relationship is an adventurous journey in love and wholeness.

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