Friday, July 16, 2021

UAP/UFOs - An Integral Meta-Theory Exploration


(Click to enlarge each graphic)

[This post is available as a PDF]

Recent public and special interest UAP/UFO conversations appear to be getting broader and deeper. I've been learning how to explore this complex topic using a meta-theory framework of research methodologies based on Integral Theory

This integrative meta-theory process uses a '4-quadrant' framework that helps to determine our level of confidence in different UAP/UFO data, stories and claims. 

The 4 quadrants identify fundamentally different ways of perceiving and experiencing our world.

For each of these quadrants there are well established ways of knowing, collecting and processing data, and validating claims about the nature of reality.

These 4 quadrants bring different lenses to UAP/UFO research and analysis through Objective (IT), Subjective (I), Inter-subjective (WE) and Inter-objective (ITS) realities.

For example, different ways of exploring UAP/UFOs and related phenomena might sit in each quadrant as follows.

Let's consider a few common UAP/UFO topics in each quadrant. Each of these represents a data source which may be analysed leading to claims about that topic. 

The following lists one possible claim (in green) for each type of evidence. 

In the past most UAP/UFO conversation privileged the 'IT' quadrant - and for many this quadrant of 'Objective Reality' is still a key focus. It often involves conversations about observable empiric physical data. 

Integral theory reminds us that there are many other ways to explore reality that are just as important. Any claim based on evidence from just one quadrant can only ever be a partial view - part of the bigger picture.

One benefit of a 4 quadrant integral approach is that we can increase our understanding of, and confidence in, a particular claim by looking for corresponding claims based on data points in other quadrants. This approach to research is known as Integral Methodological Pluralism.

For example highlighted below are claims in different quadrants that are related to the assertion that Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) are visiting Earth with UAP/UFOs. 

When we discover similar claims based on  data points in multiple quadrants we may become more confident in a particular assertion.

Highlighted below are claims in different quadrants related to an assertion that some groups on Earth may know more about UAP/UFOs than they have publicly revealed.

When similar claims appear in multiple quadrants we may gain increasing confidence in those claims. We might choose to rate our level of confidence as follows:

The ratings below are indicative of my current levels of confidence in some UAP/UFO related claims arising from multiple research methodologies based on data points from different quadrants.

Different researchers may privilege particular quadrants, while completely ignoring others, which necessarily results in a partial view of a phenomenon.

In addition, a researcher's worldviews can colour their perceptions.

Individual worldviews may limit or expand our perceptions. Shared worldviews may do the same within disciplines or communities of practice. We can be blind to data points we "know can't possibly exist" because of our unquestioned beliefs and assumptions.

For example, those with positivistic classical views of the world may discount or not even recognise data points in the subjective or intersubjective quadrants. In the example we have been considering this may make 25% of data points invisible, or even if they are seen they may be easily discounted. 

Extending this example to those who may hold positivistic materialistic worldviews results in much more data becoming invisible or designated as 'nonsense' or 'immaterial' to "rigorous research". 

Taking this to its extreme we may consider a researcher with dominant worldviews that are world centric, positivistic and materialist who may not see any evidence of UAP/UFOs deemed worthy of consideration.

Of course we all have our blind spots. This is one reason why a 4-quadrant integral approach emphasises the importance of using multiple research methodologies spread across the quadrants.

The more we consider UAP/UFO research claims the more we are challenged to expand our worldviews. 

In many UAP/UFO conversations it's often apparent that 'experts' may only be expressing partial truths. Collaborative multidisciplinary international research is very much needed - as are scientific worldviews that expand beyond positivistic beliefs and assumptions.

This post has only been an introduction to a simple 4-quadrant integral approach. For a deeper consideration of integral approaches to the UAP/UFO issue see the following.

Piacenza, Giorgio (2019) Integral Ufology, Part Five

Esbjorn Hargens, Sean and Salzman, Jeff (2019) Taking Aliens Seriously - Interview Video and Transcript

Esbjorn Hargens, Sean (2020) Integral Ufology Panel Discussion - Video

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

50 Years of UAP/UFO Intelligence

Click to enlarge

The above table compares public statements made about UAP in 2021 with those made publicly (and secretly) about UFOs before 1971. The left hand side represents statements made in a 2021 report by US National Intelligence while the right hand side has statements made in an archived 1971 report by Australian Intelligence which is publicly available through National Archives Australia or The Black Vault.

The striking similarity between public UAP/UFO statements made 50 years apart makes one wonder if the underlying beliefs and agenda are still the same.

While the short public unclassified 2021 report doesn't explicitly unpack all those beliefs and agenda the 1971 report does so in some detail which may lead to helpful insights when interpreting today's 'Disclosure' environment.

Let's examine the underlying processes, beliefs and agenda considered in the 1971 report for each of the types of statement listed in the above table. 

UAPs/UFOs are real and need further study

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: Official US investigations as early as 1947 believed that some reported UFO phenomena were real, and initially Soviet advanced aircraft were suspected. Further study was called for which was publicly stated to be for the collection and analysis of more UFO incidents while for some government agencies it was more about determining UFO propulsion methods. Considerable funds were later allocated to investigate and control gravity through six Gravity Control Centres.

We don't know what they are?

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: While initially suspecting Soviet advanced aircraft, by 1948 most US investigators were focussing on an interplanetary origin. The Pentagon rejected any interplanetary conclusions due to a lack of hard evidence. In 1949 US Intelligence recommended placing more effort on collecting factual evidence that included photographs, radar, physical evidence and data on size and shape, rather than recording, analysing and evaluating all UFO incident reports. 

During the 1950s several recently retired US Intelligence Officers repeatedly stated that it was already known that some UFOs were extraterrestrial. In 1960 it became an offence under the Espionage Act for retired service personnel to reveal data on UFOs.

UAPs/UFOs are a threat to national security

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: UFOs being a threat to national security was often expressed although this view wasn't universally accepted. UFO data collection became classified and attempts were made to discredit any acceptance of UFOs. During 1949 official investigating personnel were replaced "with personnel willing to ridicule the concept of UFOs"

In 1953 an intelligence report based on the work of a panel of scientists concluded that there was no direct threat to national security. 

There are UAP/UFO safety concerns

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: In 1952 there was a twenty fold rise in reported UFO activity which raised concerns that overcrowded military communications and defence forces involvement lessened the level of national alertness against possible enemy attack. In 2021 the concern expressed about UAP activity in the public report was more about air traffic safety.

We have limited data on UAPs/UFOs

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: Throughout the years of the UFO phenomenon, there has been a persistent official view that the percentage of unknowns would be reduced if more data was available. This is a misleading view since thousands of incident reports were available. By the mid 1950s 900 incident reports were considered to be 'Good' or 'Excellent' and formal reporting procedures were in place for many government agencies. 

Scope: Narrow

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: In the past formal public reports on UAP/UFOs narrowed the range of incident reporting years that were considered to reduce the perceived number of unknowns "no matter how senseless the identification became". This was more about a process of managing public perceptions than honest reporting. During 1953 the purpose of Project Blue Book was changed to be "a means of publicly "debunking" UFOs".

Natural explanations are most likely

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: Many UFO incidents can be attributed to natural phenomena however this fact has been deliberately over emphasised to imply that most UFO incidents are natural phenomena and those that remain unknown will eventually turn out to be natural phenomena. 

In 1949 a 600 page report on UFOs concluded that all incident reports "were the result of misidentifications, mass hysteria and hoaxes".

In 1953 an Intelligence report called for the public to be educated to recognise balloons and meteors, and that "a policy of "debunking" should be introduced to reduce public interest". "The public is to be only informed of the results of individual cases where "the object is positively identified as a familiar object". "

The 2021 UAP report only identified one incident. "We were able to identify one reported UAP with high confidence. In that case, we identified the object as a large, deflating balloon."

Trained observers with instrumentation provide more reliable reports

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: The value of trained observers was recognised in both the 1971 and 2021 reports. It was also recognised by the public. In 1954 airline pilots "were coerced by military intelligence... to agree to not informing the public of their UFO sightings".

Control of public awareness of the UFO situation was tightened in 1953 when service personnel were prohibited from discussing UFOs and threatened with 10 years jail and up to a $10,000 fine. 

By erecting a façade of ridicule the US hoped to "allay public alarm" and provide a "cover for the real US programmes developing vehicles that emulated UFO performances".

The 1971 report noted that many countries gave credence to the public façade and uncritically accepted information that had been widely discredited by retired US service personnel as well as by scientists.

The 2021 report noted that there was a 'stigma' associated with reporting UAP incidents. (See UAP Collection Challenges.)

We need a more scientific approach

Processes/Beliefs/Agenda: In 1966 well-publicised Michigan sightings were officially identified as being 'swamp gas' which caused a public outcry. There was a call for a more scientific approach and that university teams should be involved. However this move was discredited when the academic called on to lead the project publicly stated that "my attitude right now is that there's nothing to it, but I 'm not supposed to reach a conclusion for another year". A memorandum was also revealed outlining a method to trick the public. 

There have been constant calls for greater scientific involvement however even the 2021 report noted that stigma and "reputational risk" complicates scientific pursuit of the UAP topic. The 2021 report believes that "the effects of these stigmas have lessened as senior members of the scientific, policy, military, and intelligence communities engage on the topic seriously in public."

Moving forward...

It's clear that UAP/UFO incidents and studies have a long history coloured by many factors. I'm not really interested in finger pointing. I am interested in processes to move forward and co-create preferred futures.

UAP/UFO 'Disclosure' as some have noted is a long and complicated process. Some of the beliefs, attitudes and successful management of public perception through the 1940s to 1960s became deeply ingrained in society and culture - and not just in the US.

It's also clear that through the 1940s to 1960s there were competing processes, beliefs and agenda between and even within government agencies dealing with UFO phenomena. That's probably still true today. 

However while there may be many similarities between the 2021 and 1971 reports we live in a very different world today. As the preliminary June 2021 report notes there is now public engagement by senior members of scientific, policy, military, and intelligence communities.

Christopher Mellon and others believe there has been significant progress towards open transparency

Over the last couple of decades in parallel to the intelligence/military conversation many credible scientists, academics and investigative journalists have been progressing our understanding of the UAP/UFO issue through a range of publications. There are even comprehensive courses on Exo Studies. It's in this space that we find a deeper understanding and conversation of both UAPs/UFOs and related phenomena - including the nature of extraterrestrial intelligences.

Since 1971, and particularly since 2001, many more ex service personnel and others have credibly spoken out about alleged 'secret projects' in the UAP/UFO space. Much more has potentially been revealed since the 1971 report. It remains to be seen how the next ODNI report will address these complex issues and the long standing competing agenda discussed above.

Fifty years ago the 1971 Australian Intelligence report hopefully asked for increased transparency that was "scientifically sound and intellectually honest towards unravelling the UFO mystery". This is now emerging as a multidisciplinary and global conversation.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

2021 UAP [Threat] Report

The 2021 public USG Preliminary Assessment: UAP Report is actually a UAP Threat Report in that it responds to a USG request "to submit an intelligence assessment of the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP)".

I believe that even though the scope of the report is narrow it represents a significant step in the direction of an open conversation leading to broader government and public understanding of UAPs.

Before outlining this significance my summary of the most important findings from this preliminary report is as follows. 
  1. UAP are real and need to be taken seriously
  2. Some UAP may pose a risk. Further investigation and analysis is required
  3. Stigma associated with UAP has hampered USG reporting, data collection and investigation
  4. UAPs are likely to fall into a number of categories when identified
    • airborne clutter
    • natural atmospheric phenomena
    • USG or U.S. industry developmental programs
    • systems from a foreign adversary or a non-government entity
    • a catchall 'other' bin
A close examination of data collected by some of the most sophisticated instruments on the planet concluded that most Navy encounters examined for this report probably fit into the ‘other’ category. Of the 144 cases included in the report 143 remain unidentified.

What makes this 2021 Preliminary UAP risk assessment report different from past government UAP related reports?

1. Further investigation by USG has been announced

2. This unclassified report is being received by a public that is more informed, educated and connected than when the USG released reports on UAP/UFOs last century.

3. Reputable investigative reporting, quality formal disclosure research/events/documentaries, and advances in academic exo/astro studies and consciousnesses studies over the last few decades have reduced the stigma/taboo/ridicule associated with UAP and related topics.

4. UAP experiencer literature has matured and experiencers are now better informed, networked, supported and documented.

5. A growing proportion of the public already accept the existence of non-human intelligences and are successfully participating in structured ‘contact experience’ practices (eg CE5).

6. UAP researchers are better equipped to recognise witness/experiencer ridicule or intimidation, cover-ups and disinformation.

7. Current UAP related research strongly suggests that the report’s “catchall ‘other’ bin” for UAPs contains a complex range of technologically advanced, intelligently controlled phenomena rather than something that has a single simple explanation.

This last point is very significant because it has become clear over the last few decades that an examination of technical data alone is far too limiting. Meta-integrative post-positivistic scientific approaches are required that include the range of anomalous phenomenon often associated with UAPs.

Any final USG 'UAP threat assessment report' will very likely also be narrow in its scope and utilise methodologies and frameworks that are unlikely to reveal any real understanding of UAP. 

UAPs are no longer a topic of ridicule

It's time for a more open public conversation that includes media, government, scientific and academic communities, experiencers and more. 
  • Why are some UAP dancing around certain places and events? 
  • To what are they trying to draw government and public attention? 
  • Why do we appear to have significant gaps in our understanding of reality?
  • In what ways do we need to question our assumptions and expand our worldviews? 
There are many more questions down the UAP rabbit hole than "Do they pose a threat?"

Fortunately the conversation is quickly becoming mainstream. There have been leaders among the media, government, scientific and academic communities, and experiencers who in spite of entrenched UAP/UFO stigma have significantly progressed our understanding over the last decade.

The 2021 public USG Preliminary Assessment: UAP Report clearly states that UAP are real and need to be taken seriously. This is a significant government admission and one which should promote much more open and respectful research and dialogue.

Change is in the air!

This preliminary AUP threat assessment is not a government report into the likelihood of the existence of non-human intelligences. It was never intended to be. Reliable information and conversation about that can be obtained from other respected sources.

This report seems to surface an interplay of old and emerging beliefs/assumptions/worldviews across and within some USG agencies. There appear to be changes in thinking within USG even though the word “balloon” (much over used since the 1940s) appears 5 times across the 9 pages of the unclassified public report 😉

The report is a small and important step forward for humanity in the 21st Century as we engage with several existential global challenges. These challenges require a better understanding of our current realities. 

We can't expect to solve problems using the thinking and worldviews that created them.
UAPs may provide an important window onto new perspectives and possibilities.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Human Galactic History: Part 4 - Is it possible?


I've posted WHY I'm interested in human galactic history and HOW we can learn about it.

This document explores several themes commonly found in channelled literature of galactic history. The aim is to see if these themes are possible - however unlikely they may be considered according to generally accepted assumptions.

Common themes encountered in channelled human galactic history research are:

  • Life on many planets in the Milky Way Galaxy began long before Earth formed.
  • Intelligent life evolved on many planets in the Milky Way Galaxy long before humans appeared on Earth. 
  • Some star races developed 'Faster Than Light' (FTL) travel.
  • Some star races learned to edit DNA and genetically manipulated life on Earth a long time ago.
  • Advanced civilisations existed on Earth at least 100,000 years ago.
  • Civilisations have existed on other planets and moons in our solar system.
  • High energy weapons used by technically advanced civilisations have destroyed planetary ecosystems and even entire planets.

For each theme I've pointed to some references that suggest it's possible for this to have occurred.

However, just because something is possible doesn't mean it's probable that it occurred. That discussion will be in a future post.

The point being made in this document is that these themes are not impossible based on our current understanding.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Disclosure Project - 20th Anniversary Reflections

Listening to Steven Greer's recent 20th Anniversary Disclosure Project Webinar provided the opportunity to reflect on my perceptions of where UFO/UAP/Exo thinking has and hasn't changed over the last two decades.

Investigative journalist Paola Harris asked why many are still waiting for disclosure when it happened 20 years ago - and if you did your research even long before that.

For much of mainstream media and science it appears nothing much has changed in 20 years but for those who are open to listening there have been significant shifts in the acceptance and understanding of the UFO/UAP issue.

A number of speakers during the 5 hour webinar noted the following changes.
  • Concerning shifts in 'official' UAP narratives from denial to "a possible threat to national security"
  • A more nuanced view of 'official disclosure' that involves different factions with different agenda
  • A shift in evidentiary focus from UAPs exist to "some are clearly off-world"
  • A increasing shift from "Are there UFOs?" to "Craft are operated by a wide range of intelligent beings from different off-world cultures."
  • A shift from "there's evidence indicating off-world craft" to "there's evidence of a mix of both man-made and off-world craft"
  • A growing recognition that the study of UFO/UAP/Exo is linked to consciousness studies and a range of other anomalous phenomena  
  • An increasing understanding that UFO/UAPs are controlled by intelligent sentient beings and that 'other-world' may be a better term than 'alien'  

Another significant shift noted was the recognition of the links between the UFO/UAP issue and challenges facing humanity and the planet.

The urgent need to access and use unacknowledged reverse engineered UAP technologies to address planetary issues was mentioned by several speakers.

Carol Rosen talked about the need to advocate for peace in space at a time when the public militarisation of space is progressing quickly. According to Rosen "both China and Russia have announced they would sign an agreement to ban all space-based weapons, with now over 100 countries also agreeing to ban all weapons from space."

Several speakers talked about the need to reach out to people in other countries and to question the "countries as enemies" narrative. We are one human family and perhaps with our expanding awareness "One Universe One People" as  Steven Greer says.

Timofey Egorov spoke about the benefits of people across the planet engaging in international social networking to discuss 'The Ethics of the Cosmos' to promote peaceful co-existence in outer space.

He spoke about the importance of uniting research into unknown phenomena of nature, cosmos and human abilities - an 'Ecology of the Unknown' - to contribute to the evolution of humanity.

Carol Rosen and several Russian speakers pointed to evidence that UAPs have stopped nuclear accidents and nuclear tests in space and that nuclear tests are very likely damaging space/time and possibly other dimensions.

Humanity is said to be viewed by some other-world civilisations as a risk to Earth and the cosmos in this and other dimensions. This is probably one of the reasons they have increased their observations of and contacts with Earth since 1945. Rosen suggested the need to shift from a military economy to a space economy.

Daniel Sheehan suggested that we shouldn't start the next stage of the human experience - which will likely involve meeting extraterrestrial civilisations - by taking weapons into space.

He called for people to question the agenda behind UAP narratives - whose interests do they serve?
This was echoed by Paola advising that when you see new disclosures ask yourself "What is the agenda here?"

A final shift I'll reflect on is a move toward personal empowerment and advocacy that is driven by the need to address current challenges facing humanity at local and global levels. This has taken the form of the development of
  • various international disclosure initiatives 
  • increasing respect and greater diversity among those discussing exo topics
  • contact protocols and tools used by groups across the planet
  • well researched publications and documentaries
  • disciplined study and discourse such as exo studies and exopolitics

In summing up the 20th Anniversary Disclosure Project Greer and Sheehan asked:

"How much longer are we going to be killing the planet and engaging in endless wars before we come together as a human family? Before we join with other sentient beings in other-world civilisations?" - Steven Greer

"How can we as a community mobilise without being hostile or antagonistic to raise the consciousness of humanity?" - Daniel Sheehan

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Behaviour of Highly Evolved Beings in the Universe

Finding a dialogue on the behaviour of highly evolved beings in the universe in Conversations With God - Book 4: Awaken the Species was indeed unexpected.

The behaviours listed match much of what I've read in other sources but none of those sources collated and described them so clearly.

Walsch describes the source of the information in the Conversations With God series "as the highest source of wisdom within us - which I call God."

The dialogue in the 2017 Book 4 begins with a question about other sentient beings in the universe.

"Of course there are other sentient beings in the universe. They’re all over the place."

"That does not mean that they would in every case be helpful to you. Some of them are violent."

"Do not assume, then, that all other life forms in the universe have chosen to be of help as you seek to awaken humanity. Advanced civilizations do not automatically equate to highly evolved civilizations."

"Violent sentient beings from other galaxies will not be allowed to destroy your civilization. The Highly Evolved Beings existing in Another Dimension would make that impossible."

This last point was followed by the following exchange:

Question: And so we’re protected on Earth from the violence of an interstellar species?
Response: "You are safe from all but one."
Question: Omigosh, which one?
Response: "Earthlings. You are not yet safe from yourself."

And how will we know who are violent?

"You will know the difference between other life forms who are helpful and may not be helpful by feeling the vibration."

"If you’re paying attention to what you’re sensing, you’ll be able to make sense of it all."

"Your species has actually come to this at exactly the perfect time and in the perfect way."

The Behaviour of Highly Evolved Beings

"These are the common behaviours of Highly Evolved Beings, as compared to the behaviours of those humans who are living in an unawakened state.
  1. An awakened species sees the Unity of All Life and lives into it. Humans in an unawakened state often deny it or ignore it.
  2. An awakened species tells the truth, always. Humans in an unawakened state too often lie, to themselves as well as others.
  3. An awakened species says one thing and will do what they say. Humans in an unawakened state often say one thing and do another.
  4. An awakened species, having seen and acknowledged what is so, will always do what works. Humans in an unawakened state often do the opposite.
  5. An awakened species does not embrace a principle in its civilization that correlates with the concepts that humans refer to as “justice” and “punishment.”
  6. An awakened species does not embrace a principle in its civilization that correlates with the concept that humans refer to as “insufficiency”
  7. An awakened species does not embrace a principle in its civilization that correlates with the concept that humans refer to as “ownership.”
  8. An awakened species shares everything with everyone all the time. Humans in an unawakened state often do not, only sharing with others in limited circumstances.
  9. An awakened species creates a balance between technology and cosmology; between machines and nature. Humans in an unawakened state often do not.
  10. An awakened species would never under any circumstances terminate the current physical expression of another sentient being unless asked directly by that other being to do so. Humans in an unawakened state often kill other humans without that other human requesting them to.
  11. An awakened species would never do anything that could potentially damage or harm the physical environment that supports the members of the species when they are physicalized. Humans in an unawakened state often do so.
  12. An awakened species never poisons itself. Humans in an unawakened state often do so.
  13. An awakened species never competes. Humans in an unawakened state are often in competition with each other.
  14. An awakened species is clear that it needs nothing. Humans in an unawakened state often create a need-based experience.
  15. An awakened species experiences and expresses unconditional love for everyone. Humans in an unawakened state often cannot imagine even a Deity who does this, much less do they do it themselves.
  16. An awakened species has harnessed the power of metaphysics. Humans in an unawakened state often largely ignore it."
"There are more differences, of course, but those are some of the chief characteristics of an awakened species, and the major differences between such a species and humanity in its present unawakened state."

Much of Book 4: Awaken the Species is about how now is the "perfect time" for both highly evolved beings to assist humanity on Earth and for humans to help each other realise that they are already awake - they just don't know it and they don't behave like it.

"The whole universe, the entire cosmos in each of its dimensions, is filled with sentient beings, each imbued with the exact same desire – the desire to express and experience their True Nature and their True Identity."

"This involves a process of, first, moving through and knowing every aspect of being physical. Then moving through and knowing every aspect of being metaphysical. Then, integrating both."

"And here is the great secret that Highly Evolved Beings are focusing their energies on sharing: full integration can occur at any moment. The process can be condensed. An entire civilization can begin living as an awakened species whenever it wishes."

The source makes the point that humans have left things to the eleventh hour - but it doesn't take long to change one's mind. 

Also time isn't linear - a civilisation can change a great deal in a decade.

However it's not about trying to change others.

"It would indeed defeat your purpose if you set yourself apart as “Those Who Know”, and decide that it is your job to tell others what they don’t know. Your mission would be to tell others that they do know – and they simply may not know that they know."

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Human Galactic History: Part 3 - Coherence and Contradiction

In a previous post I described a number of ways to explore human galactic history. However this is a complex topic and there are challenges when attempting to integrate different sources into coherent stories that fit within a consistent bigger picture. 

It's common to encounter apparent contradictions between sources resulting from misconceptions, or differences in language, perspectives or assumptions. These apparent contradictions can sometimes be resolved resulting in a richer and more nuanced galactic history.

The following illustrates some issues that may give rise to apparent contradictions in data or narratives.

1. Accurate dating is difficult

An Earth year is specific to Earth's revolution around the sun. Some channelled sources give time periods converted to 'Earth years' such as "30,000 Earth years ago". Other sources make no mention of the need to convert to 'Earth years'.

In Book 1 of The Law of One, considered by many to be one of the more accurate channelled sources, we find the following response to a question about when something was constructed. "This approximately was 60,000 of your years in the past time/space of your continuum." 

Channelled sources often admit that dates are approximate. In The Law of One for example several dates in Earth history are given and then corrected later in the text by as much as 30%.

Past life experiences retrieved through hypnotic regression may link to Earth eras/events such as "when Atlantis existed" or "when Atlantis sank". Authors then make their own assumption of the dates which can be a complex task given that various Atlantean civilisations probably existed over many tens of thousands of years and likely experienced at least 3 cataclysmic destructions. According to Edgar Cayce these destructions occurred approximately 50,000, 30,000 and 12,000 years ago and each involved portions of Atlantis sinking. 

Sometimes it's possible to correlate dates or events obtained through consciousness studies (channelling,  hypnosis, remote viewing) to generally accepted geologic dates such as magnetic pole shifts, volcanic activity or ice ages. This is also becoming possible for other planets such as Mars as knowledge in astrogeology increases.  

2. Differences in terminology

This issue is common in information received through channelling or hypnotic regression. A good example is the use of the terms 'universe' and 'galaxy'. 

Some sources or receivers or editors use universe and galaxy as synonyms even in the same paragraph. This seems to be more prevalent in sources from the 20th century when perhaps many receivers didn't have a clear understanding of the difference. 

In Books 1 and 3 of The Law of One this issue is specifically addressed when it becomes clear that the term 'galaxy' was sometimes being used to represent the Milky Way Galaxy, sometimes our local group of stars and sometimes a complex planetary system.   

3. Multiple similar epochs 

History often repeats itself - and so it seems does galactic human history. Contradictory accounts of an advanced civilisation or a high-tech war in space may be about different though similar events.

For example, it's very likely that Lemuria and Atlantis on Earth each went through several cycles of civilisation, and that there were even earlier civilisations. And galactic wars such as the Great Lyran War or the Orion Wars have probably come and gone over millions of years. It's easy to align narratives with the wrong event. 

In addition, stories obtained through consciousness studies can be referring to different dimensions (frequencies) of existence where experiences can vary considerably. Some very early civilisations described on Earth, Mars and other planets and moons in our solar system are often said to have been existing within dimensions 4, 5 and higher. 

Accounts of the destruction of a planetary environment (eg Mars) or even the planet itself (eg Maldek - now the asteroid belt) in the 3rd dimension may be experienced very differently within the 4th and 5th dimensions of the same planet. (Planets and humans are often described as being multidimensional.)

4. Time is neither linear nor sequential

Near death, UFO and extraterrestial experiencer accounts have described missing time, travelling in time and multiple timelines. Many spiritual texts and channels describe how the perception of time changes depending on levels of consciousness or dimensions.

For example Sal Rachele in The Mystery of Time explains how "a being in the 12th dimension might experience a million Earth years in the blink of an eye". Apparently high dimensional beings "have the ability to expand or contract time consciously".

The following table adapted from Rachele gives an illustrative example across the first 7 dimensions as follows. These time equivalents are not meant to be taken literally - "one month in the 5th dimension probably does not exactly equal one year in the 4th"

For these reasons it may not be possible to accurately arrange human galactic history in simplistic sequences of linear Earth 3rd dimensional time. 

5. Over generalising one perspective of one experience

When using experiencer narratives it's important to obtain information about an event or place from as many sources as possible. One person's or even one group's perspective of an experience in galactic human history may be quite different from another's. 

This is usually well understand in the contest of Earth but sometimes authors can over generalise when hearing an account of life on Mars or in the Pleiades by one person or group with particular worldviews located in one place at one time - in one dimension.


For some, contradictions between sources may indicate a lack of reliability and this may be true. 

However contradictions can also provide powerful insights into the complexity of a topic, pointing to ways in which they may be held within a more integrative framework.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Nuclear War on Mars Goes Viral

A TikTok user recently responded to a request for "a conspiracy theory that blows your mind".

"My theory is that we've come from Mars after we drained all of its natural resources and destroyed it with nuclear bombs."

Their TikTok video response was posted in mid March 2021 and now has over 2 million views.

While some media outlets and science journalists were quick to debunk the 'war on Mars' idea these critiques appear to have come from a positivistic worldview with a questionable sense of certainty. 

My recent study of 'exo' topics and research using meta-integrative methods that explore post-positivistic science and inquiry make me much less confident in dismissing the possibility that a nuclear war on Mars may have destroyed its fragile planetary ecosystem in the distant past.

While I may disagree with some of the rationale given by the above TikTok user I'm still open to the general hypothesis and believe further exploration is warranted.

A more open meta-integrative approach to this topic that includes 'consciousness studies' could explore data from a variety of sources such as:
  1. Physical evidence of nuclear explosions on Mars eg Death on Mars or Evidence of Massive Thermonuclear Explosions on Mars in the Past
  2. Exo and astro evidence of a previous aquatic ecosystem on Mars eg Mars Ocean Hypothesis
  3. Photographic evidence of a previous exo-civilisation on Mars eg The Face on Mars: Evidence of a Lost Civilization? or The Martians: Evidence of Life on the Red Planet
  4. Remote viewing of Mars and Martian events eg Farsight Institute - Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars
  5. People with conscious memories of living on Mars eg We Are the Disclosure: A People's History of the Extraterrestrial Field or The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage
  6. Memories of living on Mars recovered during hypnosis eg The Convoluted Universe - Book 2 and Book 3
  7. Whistle-blower testimony of hidden information about Mars and its past eg Super Soldier Talk (includes Life on Mars)
  8. Information about Mars and its past channelled during altered states of consciousness eg
    The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage
From this kind of integrative research a coherent story of Mars begins to emerge that includes the possibility of a now extinct advanced civilisation. eg Galactic Histories: Mars

As a species with nuclear capability living on a planet with a compromised ecosystem it might be prudent to be open to possible lessons from the distant past.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Human Galactic History: Part 2 - How Can We Know?

I've written previously about why I'm interested in human galactic history.

But how can we possibly know anything about it?

There may be a number of ways to explore galactic history depending on one's worldview. A worldview that does not accept the possibility of extraterrestrial life severely limits any exploration.

Worldviews that allow for the possibility of extraterrestrial life, accept more than a strict materialistic view of consciousness and go beyond a Newtonian view of physics open up many avenues of research.

Information about human galactic history from different sources isn't hard to find. This information can be grouped into the following categories.
  1. People (adults and children) who consciously remember past lives on other planets or in spacecraft. (eg The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic HeritageMeet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth)
  2. People who when professionally hypnotised describe past lives on other planets or in spacecraft. (eg Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth)
  3. People who when professionally guided to experience altered-states of consciousness describe their multidimensional lives including relationships with their extraterrestial family and elements of galactic history. (eg Galactic Soul History of the Universe)
  4. People ('experiencers') who consciously remember meeting extraterrestrials on Earth or in spacecraft during their current lives. eg (Inside the Flying Saucers)
  5. Archaeological and historical evidence of advanced extraterrestrials or spacecraft visiting Earth. (eg The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History)
  6. Myths and legends from many cultures including indigenous communities about extraterrestrials or spacecraft visiting communities on Earth. (eg This Embodied Life: A Three-Dimensional Holographic Virtual Reality Game)
  7. Channelled (telepathic) information about human galactic history. (eg The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage)
  8. Remote viewing of planets, spacecraft and events in human galactic history. (eg The Farsight Institute)
  9. Whistle-blowers who describe secret programs involving extraterrestrials with information about human evolution and galactic history. (eg UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery)
  10. Photos, data and samples obtained by Earth craft visiting astronomical bodies within our solar system. (eg Extraterrestrial Archaeology)
  11. Biological evidence of extraterrestial links with human DNA on Earth. (eg
    Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans: A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation)
  12. Cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics and various 'exo' studies including exobiology and exoplanetary research. (eg The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation,  Exo Studies)

I believe that in applying multidisciplinary and integrative approaches to these potential sources of information a tentative human galactic history begins to emerge.

My process in creating the Galactic Histories videos included:

Firstly, consider the possibility that reoccurring stories/data within each category above may have an element of truth to them (ontological flooding).

Secondly, put to one side problematic information that doesn't appear to fit the emerging galactic worldview (ontological bracketing). This data can be re-examined later and may highlight misconceptions, misinformation or deliberate disinformation.

Thirdly, look for data from one category that's consistent with data from one or more other categories. Agreement across categories may increase the level of confidence in some data.

Finally, look for coherency in the emerging narrative(s). Are the underlying messages, principles, assumptions and themes coherent, meaningful and useful? Do viewers experience feelings of truthful resonance when encountering these narratives?

Ongoing feedback, conversation and research provides valuable input which is used to update these narratives.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Conspiracy and Complicity

Wild conspiracy theories and conspiracy theory denial have engaged me much more than I expected over the last few months. After some exploration of the topic as part of an Exo Studies course I have a better appreciation for both of the above extremes.

The study was more about the history and psychology of conspiracy theories (narratives about plans to work secretly together towards an unjust or unlawful objective) than diving into all of the current conspiracy rabbit holes.

For me the most interesting points raised during discussion were the following.
  • Conspiracy narratives often surface during periods of rapid change and uncertainty. The old 'normals' no longer apply and clear simple explanations of the causes of change and any new ways of thinking or being are not readily available, or if they are, they are not widely understood.
  • It usually takes decades for genuine conspiracies to be uncovered. This can happen through investigative journalism and sources such as whistle-blowers, declassified documents or freedom of information requests. It rarely comes from governments or authorities.
  • There is a growing distrust of government and authorities. One reason for this is the blatant disproportionate influence on politics of vested interests. Another is the increasingly obvious bias of mainstream media. Ignoring or denying climate change hasn't helped build trust either.
  • Conspiracy narratives can be indicative of different worldviews, their underpinning beliefs and assumptions. Alternative narratives can be embedded in counter cultures where the lived experience of people may be quite different to mainstream culture. Many people leave schools and universities with a reductionistic mechanistic worldview that goes back several centuries.
  • Higher levels of education do not necessarily make people less susceptible to either wild conspiracy theories or conspiracy theory denial. Responses to conspiracy theories have more to do with emotional triggers, worldviews or uncomfortable rapid change.
  • It's very likely that government authorities and other organisations use the 'conspiracy theory' label to discredit people who know too much or have seen too much. Some organisations probably create sophisticated conspiracy theories as a disinformation strategy. A few conspiracies have probably been created just for fun to 'prove' how gullible people can be.
  • Conspiracy theories suggesting elaborate secret collusion are probably more likely to be complicit behaviour driven by personal self-serving agenda such as financial profit. Even diverse self-serving agenda based within similar worldviews may reinforce detrimental consequences and give the illusion of grand scale secret collusion.
  • Compelling conspiracy narratives often contain partial truths. People resonate with the partial truth and often assume the rest of the narrative is correct.
  • Wild conspiracy theories and conspiracy theory denial can trigger fear or victimhood which then heighten emotional responses and decrease the likelihood of rational discourse.
  • Delving into the details of most conspiracy narratives can be very unproductive. A more productive approach is to recognise that there's probably an element of truth to most conspiracy narratives. In addition many sophisticated conspiracy narratives are carefully constructed to trigger emotions, increase polarisation and deceive.
On the other hand I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear about new genuine conspiracies becoming public record in the near future 😉