Saturday, May 1, 2021

Human Galactic History: Part 4 - Is it possible?


I've posted WHY I'm interested in human galactic history and HOW we can learn about it.

This document explores several themes commonly found in channelled literature of galactic history. The aim is to see if these themes are possible - however unlikely they may be considered according to generally accepted assumptions.

Common themes encountered in channelled human galactic history research are:

  • Life on many planets in the Milky Way Galaxy began long before Earth formed.
  • Intelligent life evolved on many planets in the Milky Way Galaxy long before humans appeared on Earth. 
  • Some star races developed 'Faster Than Light' (FTL) travel.
  • Some star races learned to edit DNA and genetically manipulated life on Earth a long time ago.
  • Advanced civilisations existed on Earth at least 100,000 years ago.
  • Civilisations have existed on other planets and moons in our solar system.
  • High energy weapons used by technically advanced civilisations have destroyed planetary ecosystems and even entire planets.

For each theme I've pointed to some references that suggest it's possible for this to have occurred.

However, just because something is possible doesn't mean it's probable that it occurred. That discussion will be in a future post.

The point being made in this document is that these themes are not impossible based on our current understanding.