Thursday, March 26, 2020

Exo Studies Course - Reflections and Directions

Act Local, Think Global, Be Cosmic!

These are my reflections and possible next steps having recently completed an Exo Studies Master Course.

"Exo studies is the metadisciplinary study of all the anomalous phenomena that lie outside our current models of explanation and views of reality."

Topics included ETs (extra-terriestials), EDs (extra-dimensionals), UFO/UAPs (unidentified flying objects/unidentified aerial phenomenon), consciousness studies, conspiracy theories, disinformation, and much more.

How has my thinking/worldview changed?

Although my dominant worldview coming into this course could be described as holistic/integral and within which parapsychology, advanced prehistorical civilisations and celestial intelligences were accommodated, ETs represented a gaping hole in my knowledge and understanding of the bigger cosmic picture.

I now believe that a more holistic and galactic worldview will be essential in navigating the 2020s. Exo Studies topics help to make sense of these turbulent times by encouraging one to step back, look for new perspectives and embrace multidisciplinary approaches.

The course provided me with a deeper understanding of the limitations and potentials of integral frameworks when engaging in critical and open thinking, and navigating weirdness. It created a safe space for considering multiple perspectives and possibilities, rather than jumping to answers or falling back on old beliefs.

What were my favorite topics?

All topics in the Exo Studies Course were intrinsically interesting as was the process of exploring links between topics and bigger picture frameworks. 

I was also able to link topics to areas I had previously studied such as transpersonal psychology, integral theory, parapsychology, advanced prehistorical civilisations and spirituality. 

For me galactic history, ET/ED diversity, galactic agenda and exopolitics were some of my favourite topics. This is probably because I believe they lead to larger contexts and understandings that are directly relevant to contemporary global challenges and the conscious evolution of humanity.

Galactic humanoid history in particular integrates well with my understanding of Earth's long prehistory of advanced civilisations.

What would I like to see more of? 

I believe the important topic of our time is the evolution of human consciousness. This involves the evolution of Earth/Gaia and its web of life. The evolution of human consciousness necessarily involves the journey of the galactic human family.

A great deal has been written about the great awakening, systemic transformation, Christ/Buddha consciousness, end/beginning times, cosmic cycles of growth, enlightenment, the divine feminine/masculine and 'ascension'.

In fact the very existence of the Exo Studies Course could be seen as an expression of the evolution of human consciousness.

What are my biggest takeaways from the course?

  • It's possible to make sense of many apparently weird Exo Studies topics rationally, emotionally and spiritually within larger frameworks.
  • You can always question even your most cherished beliefs and assumptions.
  • There's some truth in most Exo Studies related stories although they are best held lightly.
  • Emergent and emerging thinking across 21st century disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields is very different from the past. For example new thinking in cosmology, ecology, physics, consciousness studies increasingly takes post-positivistic approaches.
  • My own inner guidance/resonance is a reliable pointer in navigating Exo Studies related topics.
  • Sean Esbjörn-Hargens brought credibility to exo studies - as did many of the course's participants.
  • I strongly support grounded compassionate inquiry.

What are my next steps?

Over the last few years my learning has been focused on conscious evolution, understanding challenging global issues and building sacred relationships. I've been a frequent visitor to and have done some courses including Metaphysics and Mystery, A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love.

During the Exo Studies Course I've also been involved in visioning processes to explore possible directions for what I believe will be an historic next decade. The following graphic indicates some of the passions/drivers moving me forward.

Click to enlarge

As this course closes I find I'm now asking myself new questions related to ETs and EDs.

I also notice I’m much more comfortable responding to Exo Studies related questions from friends within a context of helping people make sense of their own experiences - internal and external.

I've found that Lyssa Royal's Galactic Heritage Cards are a very comfortable and fun entry to deeper conversations related to personal and global issues with links to many Exo Studies topics. The new What's Up With UFOs website will provide a fantastic resource for those who want a deeper dive.

If it takes a village to raise a child, perhaps it takes a planet to raise an adult, and a galaxy to raise humanity.

Moving forward I'm becoming more interested in exploring decision making and co-creation within a multidimensional holistic/galactic worldview.

I'm interested in holistic/integral education and the potential of immersive virtual worlds to provide opportunities to inhabit an holistic/galactic worldview.

For me the bigger picture involves the move of Earth/Gaia and humanity to 4D/5D.

In what ways can we thrive and not just survive the 2020s?

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