Sunday, June 27, 2021

2021 UAP [Threat] Report

The 2021 public USG Preliminary Assessment: UAP Report is actually a UAP Threat Report in that it responds to a USG request "to submit an intelligence assessment of the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP)".

I believe that even though the scope of the report is narrow it represents a significant step in the direction of an open conversation leading to broader government and public understanding of UAPs.

Before outlining this significance my summary of the most important findings from this preliminary report is as follows. 
  1. UAP are real and need to be taken seriously
  2. Some UAP may pose a risk. Further investigation and analysis is required
  3. Stigma associated with UAP has hampered USG reporting, data collection and investigation
  4. UAPs are likely to fall into a number of categories when identified
    • airborne clutter
    • natural atmospheric phenomena
    • USG or U.S. industry developmental programs
    • systems from a foreign adversary or a non-government entity
    • a catchall 'other' bin
A close examination of data collected by some of the most sophisticated instruments on the planet concluded that most Navy encounters examined for this report probably fit into the ‘other’ category. Of the 144 cases included in the report 143 remain unidentified.

What makes this 2021 Preliminary UAP risk assessment report different from past government UAP related reports?

1. Further investigation by USG has been announced

2. This unclassified report is being received by a public that is more informed, educated and connected than when the USG released reports on UAP/UFOs last century.

3. Reputable investigative reporting, quality formal disclosure research/events/documentaries, and advances in academic exo/astro studies and consciousnesses studies over the last few decades have reduced the stigma/taboo/ridicule associated with UAP and related topics.

4. UAP experiencer literature has matured and experiencers are now better informed, networked, supported and documented.

5. A growing proportion of the public already accept the existence of non-human intelligences and are successfully participating in structured ‘contact experience’ practices (eg CE5).

6. UAP researchers are better equipped to recognise witness/experiencer ridicule or intimidation, cover-ups and disinformation.

7. Current UAP related research strongly suggests that the report’s “catchall ‘other’ bin” for UAPs contains a complex range of technologically advanced, intelligently controlled phenomena rather than something that has a single simple explanation.

This last point is very significant because it has become clear over the last few decades that an examination of technical data alone is far too limiting. Meta-integrative post-positivistic scientific approaches are required that include the range of anomalous phenomenon often associated with UAPs.

Any final USG 'UAP threat assessment report' will very likely also be narrow in its scope and utilise methodologies and frameworks that are unlikely to reveal any real understanding of UAP. 

UAPs are no longer a topic of ridicule

It's time for a more open public conversation that includes media, government, scientific and academic communities, experiencers and more. 
  • Why are some UAP dancing around certain places and events? 
  • To what are they trying to draw government and public attention? 
  • Why do we appear to have significant gaps in our understanding of reality?
  • In what ways do we need to question our assumptions and expand our worldviews? 
There are many more questions down the UAP rabbit hole than "Do they pose a threat?"

Fortunately the conversation is quickly becoming mainstream. There have been leaders among the media, government, scientific and academic communities, and experiencers who in spite of entrenched UAP/UFO stigma have significantly progressed our understanding over the last decade.

The 2021 public USG Preliminary Assessment: UAP Report clearly states that UAP are real and need to be taken seriously. This is a significant government admission and one which should promote much more open and respectful research and dialogue.

Change is in the air!

This preliminary AUP threat assessment is not a government report into the likelihood of the existence of non-human intelligences. It was never intended to be. Reliable information and conversation about that can be obtained from other respected sources.

This report seems to surface an interplay of old and emerging beliefs/assumptions/worldviews across and within some USG agencies. There appear to be changes in thinking within USG even though the word “balloon” (much over used since the 1940s) appears 5 times across the 9 pages of the unclassified public report 😉

The report is a small and important step forward for humanity in the 21st Century as we engage with several existential global challenges. These challenges require a better understanding of our current realities. 

We can't expect to solve problems using the thinking and worldviews that created them.
UAPs may provide an important window onto new perspectives and possibilities.