Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Navigating Human Galactic Histories

Navigating the extraordinary diversity of data, research and narratives on UFO, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) and non-human intelligence (NHI) is very difficult - though not impossible.

In my own experience I found that navigating my own and others beliefs, assumptions, worldviews or paradigms was critical to the process of making sense of the data, research and narratives.

It was helpful to use an integrative metatheory framework when navigating evidence in order to be comfortable with my level of confidence in any assertions being made.

I encountered my own and other people's misconceptions. Some misconceptions came from trying to understand data or narratives based on 'common-sense' perspectives that didn't apply or were only partially correct.

The above three videos present some of my learning over the last few years while collating coherent stories of UFO/UAP/ETI/NHI events and experiences within this solar system and galaxy.

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