Saturday, March 27, 2021

Human Galactic History: Part 2 - How Can We Know?

I've written previously about why I'm interested in human galactic history.

But how can we possibly know anything about it?

There may be a number of ways to explore galactic history depending on one's worldview. A worldview that does not accept the possibility of extraterrestrial life severely limits any exploration.

Worldviews that allow for the possibility of extraterrestrial life, accept more than a strict materialistic view of consciousness and go beyond a Newtonian view of physics open up many avenues of research.

Information about human galactic history from different sources isn't hard to find. This information can be grouped into the following categories.
  1. People (adults and children) who consciously remember past lives on other planets or in spacecraft. (eg The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic HeritageMeet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth)
  2. People who when professionally hypnotised describe past lives on other planets or in spacecraft. (eg Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth)
  3. People who when professionally guided to experience altered-states of consciousness describe their multidimensional lives including relationships with their extraterrestial family and elements of galactic history. (eg Galactic Soul History of the Universe)
  4. People ('experiencers') who consciously remember meeting extraterrestrials on Earth or in spacecraft during their current lives. eg (Inside the Flying Saucers)
  5. Archaeological and historical evidence of advanced extraterrestrials or spacecraft visiting Earth. (eg The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History)
  6. Myths and legends from many cultures including indigenous communities about extraterrestrials or spacecraft visiting communities on Earth. (eg This Embodied Life: A Three-Dimensional Holographic Virtual Reality Game)
  7. Channelled (telepathic) information about human galactic history. (eg The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage)
  8. Remote viewing of planets, spacecraft and events in human galactic history. (eg The Farsight Institute)
  9. Whistle-blowers who describe secret programs involving extraterrestrials with information about human evolution and galactic history. (eg UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery)
  10. Photos, data and samples obtained by Earth craft visiting astronomical bodies within our solar system. (eg Extraterrestrial Archaeology)
  11. Biological evidence of extraterrestial links with human DNA on Earth. (eg
    Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans: A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation)
  12. Cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics and various 'exo' studies including exobiology and exoplanetary research. (eg The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation,  Exo Studies)

I believe that in applying multidisciplinary and integrative approaches to these potential sources of information a tentative human galactic history begins to emerge.

My process in creating the Galactic Histories videos included:

Firstly, consider the possibility that reoccurring stories/data within each category above may have an element of truth to them (ontological flooding).

Secondly, put to one side problematic information that doesn't appear to fit the emerging galactic worldview (ontological bracketing). This data can be re-examined later and may highlight misconceptions, misinformation or deliberate disinformation.

Thirdly, look for data from one category that's consistent with data from one or more other categories. Agreement across categories may increase the level of confidence in some data.

Finally, look for coherency in the emerging narrative(s). Are the underlying messages, principles, assumptions and themes coherent, meaningful and useful? Do viewers experience feelings of truthful resonance when encountering these narratives?

Ongoing feedback, conversation and research provides valuable input which is used to update these narratives.

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