Sunday, September 27, 2020

Paradoxically Normal

One aspect of the 'new normal' appears to be about being comfortable living with paradox.

2020 has increased the visibility of polarised views as many choose to hold fearful positions at the extremes. "I'm right and you are wrong!"

'Either-Or' thinking requires a choice. Either this is true or that is true and we eliminate any paradox or dilemma. 'Both-And' thinking is a different kind of logic where conflicting ideas can both be true. 

Paradox is about the natural and necessary presence of conflicting ideas at the same time. Paradoxes are an integral part of complex systems. They are a requirement for life to thrive.

Climate Change, Social Media, Pandemics and Conspiracy Theories all contain paradoxes that won't be resolved through 'Either-Or' disputes.

Engaging with a paradox can stimulate the creativity, innovation and transformation we need in these times.

2020 may be asking us to transcend 'Either-Or' thinking - or watch as the world mirrors our polarised beliefs and fears.

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