Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Living Universe

A living universe has been the theme of my research over the last two years. I've chosen courses, documentaries and books that explore a contemporary understanding of life and the universe through multiple perspectives.

The positivistic materialistic worldviews adopted several hundred years ago colonised much of the planet leading to an impoverished understanding of life where most of the universe is believed to be dead and without purpose.

Dominant materialistic worldviews have left many in a 'reality' of living on the third rock from the sun, as an evolutionary accident, exploiting resources for profit while avoiding death and taxes.

Global challenges such as climate change are forcing us to expand our worldviews. It's difficult to understand let alone address climate change from within a view of reality that helped create it.

Fortunately an increasing number of people are experiencing a very different reality.

It's a reality of a 'living universe' which is reclaiming aspects of our lives that have been trivialised, denied or ridiculed for centuries.

The living universe is about the expression of consciousness rather than dead matter moving in empty space. It's about our journey in consciousness. A journey which began light-years away a long long time ago.

The following mind-map charts my exploration of the living universe over the last two years.

It highlights topics that are largely hidden from the perspective of positivism and materialism.

"The eye is blind to what the mind doesn't see." (Chinese proverb)

Resolving current global challenges on this planet requires us to step back and see a bigger picture.

A much bigger picture.

A bigger picture of self, the planet, our galactic neighbours and the living universe.

See a more detailed version.

This isn't meant to be a comprehensive mind-map but rather a snapshot of my recent explorations.
It attempts to show some relationships between topics and how topics fit within my own worldviews.

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