Friday, June 14, 2019

A personal global issues change strategy - Part 2

'Ways of Being’ are just as important, if not more important, than ‘Things to Do’ when it comes to my personal rethink addressing issues of concern such as climate change. 

This is because when moving away from 19th century materialist, positivist and reductionist assumptions and beliefs about nature and humanity we have an entirely different view of reality. No longer are humans separate machines living on the third rock from the sun in a purposeless and largely dead universe. 

Humanity lives as a connected whole interdependent with a living planet within a universe that is interconnected at the deepest levels. The universe is more like a thought than a thing.

How human beings ‘Be’ is as profoundly important as what human beings ‘Do’. In fact how we ‘Be’ often drives what we ‘Do’. 

So my personal approach to climate change and other issues of concern begins with ‘Ways of Being’. Within our deeply connected lives, ways of being can have dramatic and often surprising consequences. One of these consequences is to make the things we do much more effective.

Ways of Being

🔹 Be in Nature

Being in and with Nature builds connection, relationship and respect.
Nature teaches, communicates, calms, heals and reinvigorates.
Commune with Nature's intelligence and planetary consciousness.
Honour the beautiful, mysterious and sacred in Nature.

🔹 Be fully present

Being fully present in the moment enables subtle perception, intuition, insight and a deeper intelligence. Breathe first, heart next, head last.
Mindfulness brings deeper awareness to tasks.
Witness self and others. Take a step back and see the bigger picture.
Be still and listen to Self. Be meditative and centred.

🔹 Be loving, peaceful and joyful

Look for the common good. Forgive self and others.
Love self and others. Be inclusive.
Be discerning not judgmental.
Be myself. Be playful. Be in the flow.
Honour the sacred in self/Self and others.

🔹 Be the change I want to see

Change self, invite others, be flexible.
Be positive and inspiring.
Live in the present rather than the past or future. Letting go.
Read/view inspirational content, meet inspiring people.
Strive for the highest aspirations of the human spirit.
Step into own wisdom and power.

Things to Do

🔹 Make conscious choices

Make sustainable ethical choices for purchasing, consuming, voting, sharing...
Consume local products/produce as much as possible.
Engage in regenerative whole systems gardening practices.
Delete news feeds (digital and traditional) that are sensationalist, repetitive, negative, or contain disinformation.
Choose inspirational content and people. Seek indigenous knowledge, ancient wisdom and spiritual emergence.

🔹 Contemplative practice

Question own beliefs, assumptions and world views.
Holistic practices - body, mind, soul.
Meditate - deep listening, insight, intuition.
Breathing and body movement disciplines.
Walk in nature.

🔹 Provide support to others

Active listening, compassion, positive affirmation.
Give time, skills, dollars.
Facilitating, mentoring.
Social media support - likes, shares.

🔹 Personally meaningful participation

Build positive relationships.
Follow individual calling/passion.
Maintain personal well-being.
Where does my deep gladness meet the world's deep need?

🔹 Co-create preferred futures

Envision together. Conscious evolution.
Participate respectfully, inclusively and positively.
Create the new rather than fix the old.
Share inspirational stories and journeys.

(See previous post on this topic.)

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