Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Navigating Human Galactic Histories

Navigating the extraordinary diversity of data, research and narratives on UFO, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) and non-human intelligence (NHI) is very difficult - though not impossible.

In my own experience I found that navigating my own and others beliefs, assumptions, worldviews or paradigms was critical to the process of making sense of the data, research and narratives.

It was helpful to use an integrative metatheory framework when navigating evidence in order to be comfortable with my level of confidence in any assertions being made.

I encountered my own and other people's misconceptions. Some misconceptions came from trying to understand data or narratives based on 'common-sense' perspectives that didn't apply or were only partially correct.

The above three videos present some of my learning over the last few years while collating coherent stories of UFO/UAP/ETI/NHI events and experiences within this solar system and galaxy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Dr. Garry Nolan (Stanford) on Tucker Carlson

Full Interview (August 2022)

I believe this interview is another key moment in UFO/UAP disclosure.
There’s much more to disclose and much more to discover.

Below are parts of the conversation (grouped into topics) that I found most interesting to hear on popular media.

In 2011 the CIA and an aerospace company wanted help with UFO injuries...

[Nolan] …my day job at Stanford for the last 30 years has been the development of technologies to look at cancer and blood.

…it was circa 2011 or so when some people from the CIA and an aerospace company came to ask me for help on the analysis of some individuals who had encountered some anomalous objects.

…they came to my office unannounced, and then started laying out pictures and data on the table in front of me. And I honestly thought it was a joke.

[Carlson] They didn't wonder if UFOs were real. They knew at that point. Right?
[Nolan] Right.

They were deadly serious about it, because they had basically said at that point, people have died …and then they showed me some brain images of individuals who had been damaged, and internal scarring you can see through MRIs.

[Carlson] So for some context, who were these people who had been injured?

[Nolan] Oh, they were military personnel, people, intelligence agents on the ground. A pilot - a few pilots, actually, who had gotten close enough… to some sort of object-- one of them on the ground as well, walked right up to it and touched it.

[Carlson] He walked up and touched it?

[Nolan] Yeah, he described the object as basically about four or five feet across with strange writing on it.

US Congress has said “enough is enough – we want the data”

[Nolan] …the Senate Intelligence Committee just came out with a report this morning… It also has language about UAPs, and basically admonishing the Defense Department, saying you guys have been dragging your feet, no more - whistle-blower language. They actually… want to go all the way back to 1947… they want the Defense Department and the CIA, et cetera, to collect all the information around events that have occurred.

They want all of, interestingly, the NDAs, the nondisclosure agreements. They want those all listed, because the NDAs are associated to people, and that means they can start to name the people who have been involved.

They want all of the information on the disinformation and the obfuscation that's been going on.

And they want information about the medical harms that have occurred.

And that's all in the National Defense Appropriations Act for 2023…

And that's part of what the announcement today was all about, this idea that Congress has said, enough is enough. We want the data. You're not going to hide this anymore. We're going to give anybody in the entire DOD and intelligence community a secure channel by which you can actually report this. You can basically set aside the NDAs or oaths that you've given, because you're basically reporting to us. And it will be given to the Senate and the Congressional leadership…

And this is the first time ever that this has been done.

Why has the US government lied for so long?

[Carlson] So this is way outside your lane, but since you've had so much experience dealing with all the people involved, maybe you have a theory. Why do you think DOD, or the US government more broadly, has lied about this for so long?

[Nolan] So I think that they were just afraid of admitting that they don't have control over the airspace.

That's one thing. But also… we have the data, but… they didn't want anybody to know about it, because they're scared of what the reaction might be.

But the other point I think that is important to realize is that when... there's claimed crash materials that might have been collected… this went off to places like Lockheed and all of the big aerospace companies.

They wanted to profit off of it, and many of them basically took a lot of the information, set it aside, and they decided, OK, we're going to profit off it. We're not going to tell Congress what this is all about, because if we do, then maybe we have to share this with McDonnell Douglas, or someone else.

You know… whatever this stuff is, it’s hundreds of technology revolutions ahead of us, and an understanding of physics that we don't appreciate.

…another reason why the government might feel a little hesitancy about bringing this kind of information forward… because if the US military is not the most powerful force in the universe, then it kind of… It resets your expectation. Then the populace might revolt.

[Carlson] So it sounds like in the world that you live in, it is taken for granted - or just assumed to be true - that this stuff is real.

[Nolan] Yes, yeah. It's 100% real. I mean, there's just no doubt about it.

Why are aerospace companies interested?

[Carlson] So why would the aerospace company… be interested in finding, along with the CIA, the answers to these questions?

[Nolan] Technology. I mean, you've seen the reports on how these things move, 0 to 5,000 miles an hour, instantaneous acceleration and deceleration, trans medium travel - air to water… We can't do any of that. We just can't. And moreover, we don't know how it's done. And so that means that there's a level of physics that can be appreciated and maybe taken advantage of.

[Nolan] You have to imagine a new kinds of physics. But interestingly, the physicists have come up with a unifying - let's say, mathematics - for what these things might be doing, and how they're doing it.

… there's actually a Mexican physicist. He has worked out the equations for a warp drive. I mean, we can't do it. The amounts of energy required are extraordinary. It's called the Alcubierre drive. But then there's a number of other individuals who have then taken his equations and shown that, yeah, that actually explains how these things might be moving.

Where are these objects coming from?

[Carlson] So without putting your professional credibility, reputation on the line… you're around people who study this stuff for a living, who are the most knowledgeable people on this topic in the world. What is their general sense of what this might be?

[Nolan] That this is not from Earth…

[Carlson] So is the general belief that these objects, these - whatever this is - is coming from outside our atmosphere, or that it's coming from beneath the oceans? 
[Nolan] Both, I think.

So the next question is, well, if they've been here all along, before we were even civilized - well, whose planet is this really? …if you go back into the historical records, things written by the scientists and philosophers and mayors and kings of the day, you know, it's in the record. 

This object was seen, it looked like a wheel or it looked like a shield, and it showed up over our battles, and-- et cetera, et cetera. So you can go back and recontext the observations and say, well, if somebody wrote that today, I'd call it a UFO or a UAP.

Craft projecting altered reality into people’s minds

[Nolan] There's a great case. It's in France. This family - this is just within the last few years - driving down the highway, a mother and two children in the back. They have an open top car during the day, a crowded highway. They see over their head, through the window, a craft. I mean, it's obvious.

And then she's looking around, the mother's looking around… and noticing that nobody else seems to see this. So the kids in the back have a camera phone, take a picture. When they get home, they take a look at the picture. There's not a craft, but there's an object, a small, sort of star shaped object about 30 or 40 feet over their car.

So… let's say that that's the object, but it projected an image of something else, and yet that's all they saw. So what happened - it's sort of like… it was a projected, 3D image of something, but it was only seen by them.

So when you start to hear many of these cases, and Jacques Vallée talks about this a lot, that whatever these things are seem to have the ability to project altered reality into people's minds.

What kind of beings are in these craft?

[Carlson] Just to backtrack, I can't believe you're in your office at Stanford, and the CIA shows up… Did any of the people you interviewed see anybody in control of these craft…

[Nolan] Not in the injury cases. I do know of cases, non-injury associated, where things were seen.

[Carlson] What kind of things?

[Nolan] Little beings.

… eyewitnesses always talk about… the Grays… But with humanoid features… now, I have a problem with humanoid features, because one of my backgrounds is evolutionary biology… And so I don't see the possibility of something else evolving on another planet that looks like us…

So I think - and this is… from inside the intelligence community, most of what we think we're seeing are avatars, biological robots that are basically put there to be the minions, if you will.

[Carlson] And that's the current view of the intel community? [Nolan] That is a… hypothesis.

If credible people are studying this why is interest in the subject still sanctioned?

[Nolan] …as you said at the beginning of the show, there's any of a number of people who are otherwise credible, who are absolutely dead focused on this now. And so through the efforts of Lue Elizondo, and Chris Mellon, and many others on the inside - that unfortunately will not ever be known in the roles that they've played to bring this forward - they have given a level of credibility to this that has opened the area up for all kinds of people to move in.

I mean, the National Association of Aerospace Engineers now has a committee on this. It's a 50,000 strong or so union of scientists…

NASA has come out and said that they're studying it… They're saying this is worth study.

And they use the same language that we've been pushing. It's data, it's science.

Scientists should be interested in things that they don't understand. And we shouldn't take anything off the table.

[Carlson] Scientists should be interested in things they don't understand. Right, that's the whole point.

[Nolan] That's the whole point of it. So that leads to the bigger and very obvious question, which is, how can we have a society in which many people have first-hand experience with these things, in which mountains of data exist proving that there's something there that we don't understand, and yet, there's still this social sanction levied against anyone who mentions it?

This post is available as a PDF.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Mapping 'UFO/ET' Research Across a Multidisciplinary Metatheory Framework

The above Metatheory Framework is based on Integral Theory.

Each of the four quadrants shows different ways of researching based on fundamentally different data and ways of knowing within objective (right hand quadrants) and subjective realities (left hand quadrants). 

In UFO/ET research there are very different sources of valid data within each quadrant of this Metatheory Framework. 

The following graphic attempts to position each of 7 UFO/ET books within this Metatheory Framework according to their dominant sources of data and research methodologies.

While all these books don't necessarily exactly fit the position allocated to them within the Metatheory Framework they do illustrate how UFO/ET research across multiple disciplines can help to present a bigger and fuller picture of the phenomenon. 

Metatheory frameworks help to recognise that focussing on only one or two quadrants is likely to give rise to only a partial view of the phenomenon - which may also give rise to misconceptions. Anomalies found within a quadrant can sometimes be resolved by considering research in other quadrants. 

By comparing assertions made across different quadrants we may increase or decrease our confidence in those assertions. 


Mapped Books - Click images to go to Amazon Books link.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hidden Megatrends and Probable Futures

Reading the July 2022 Australian CSIRO megatrends report reminds me of other trends that are rarely considered when predicting probable futures. For example, the following trends are likely to have a surprising impact on our lives over the next decade or two.

Outer Space Exploration - Planned exploration, commercialisation and militarisation of space for the next decade is significantly more than most people probably realise. Through initiatives such as the Artemis Accords many more nations than in the past are involved in missions to Cislunar space, the Moon, Mars and other bodies within the solar system. 

The Hubble and Webb telescopes have increased public interest in exo-planets and acceptance of the high probability of extraterrestrial life. Perceptions of our place in space are changing. 

Inner Space Exploration - Interest in consciousness studies, quantum realities and new cosmologies has been growing steadily in recent years. The validity of decades of research into Life After Death and the Paranormal is being reinforced by personal experience. The notion that humans are multidimensional beings with capacities far beyond those which have been generally accepted in the past is gaining momentum. 

Prevailing scientific assumptions about the relationship between consciousness and the body are being questioned in many disciplines. And there’s an increasing recognition that our inner world impacts our outer world in accordance with contemporary understandings of quantum reality and consciousness studies.

Disclosure and Transparency - Since 2001 the disclosure of institutional and organisational knowledge of hidden UFO and extraterrestrial activity has been steadily increasing. The extent of government, whistle-blower, experiencer and research revelations over the last five years have surprised many who have followed these issues for decades. 

It’s becoming clear that much more is likely to be revealed over the next decade. Public interest in exo-politics and exo-diplomacy is also likely to increase. UFO disclosure has profound implications for issues such as energy use, militarisation and climate change to name just a few.

Worldview Expansion - In these times of fake news, disinformation and sensationalism many are questioning fundamental beliefs and assumptions. This questioning is also partly driven by the increasing realisation that past thinking and behaviour will not address current global challenges. 

A shift from national to planetary to galactic perspectives and cosmologies is evident - as is a retreat to the apparent safety of “the good old days” for some. There’s a call to move beyond disciplines and research methods that are grounded in positivistic materialistic worldviews and cosmologies. 
Exo Studies is an example of a multidisciplinary post-positivist scientific approach.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Exploring Our Multidimensional Cosmos


I've just signed up to my 4th course at the Exo Studies Institute.

This 6 month course is about making contact with non-human intelligences (NHIs) that inhabit our multidimensional cosmos.

Over the last few years I've learned a great deal about human and non-human life across the cosmos, including life across many planets within our solar system.

I twice participated with extraordinary people from across this planet in the year long Exo Studies Master Course. The gap between what I knew and what is known was embarrassing - I had to repeat the course to catch up 😀

Over the last 5 years public revelations from governments, researchers and experiencers have confirmed what many have known for decades: UFOs exist and many are not from Earth. 

Exploring the psychological, sociological, and scientific implications of the UFO phenomena in the Exo Studies Master Course helped me to understand much of what is happening on Earth today - as well as in the distant past.

My next step is to learn how to better communicate directly with non-human intelligences - as some have already done. 

In the meantime I'll continue to learn as much as I can about the human and non-human history and politics of our solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy. 

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” 
(Winston Churchill)


Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 - Same Planet, Different World

The world changed in many ways during 2020-2021 and so did the views and beliefs of millions. One change which isn’t widely known concerns UFOs. As the UFO story continues to unfold it’s likely to change our world.

The new ‘UFO Office’ within the 2022 US defence bill points to some significant shifts in dominant (western) beliefs and assumptions about the world in which we live. Worldviews have been expanding in recent decades to include new understandings of studies in consciousness, quantum realities and the cosmos.

An emerging ‘galactic worldview’ moves beyond an Earth centric notion of evolution to a galaxy full of intelligent life. NASA has consulted theologians to advise on how humans will react to news that intelligent life exists on other planets.

The historic release of confirmed UFO videos by the New York Times in 2017 and the US government’s June 2021 public admission that UFOs (now called UAP) ARE REAL signify deep changes in the way many people are seeing and experiencing reality.

In a sign of a weakening UFO taboo, award winning investigative journalists have written news stories and books covering decades of UFO research. In 2021 Australian Ross Coulthart published ‘In Pain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science’ as well as related documentary films some of which reached some very large audiences.

The 2020 documentary ‘The Phenomenon’ is one of many that bring a credible story of UFOs to larger audiences.

While much public UFO conversation is currently dominated by nuts and bolts physical evidence there are many groups discussing a wide range of issues that recognise decades of research, recently released classified documents and the validity of information from those who have experienced UFO related phenomena.

It seems likely that public awareness and conversation of UFOs and related phenomena will now progress through stages beginning with the following.
  1. UFOs are real and some are most likely off-planet in origin with very advanced energy sources and manoeuvrability
  2. Consciousness plays a major role in UFO and related phenomena
  3. People have had close encounters with UFOs and their occupants
  4. Some groups/organisations have ‘meta-materials’ that are most likely off-planet in origin
  5. Some groups/organisations have recovered crashed/landed off-world vehicles
  6. Some groups/organisations have recovered non-human/ET bodies
There are indications that this public conversation will become much more widespread during 2022. 

Those that comfortably engage with this conversation are likely to embrace (or already embrace) a more galactic worldview with very different beliefs about the nature of the cosmos. This more galactic worldview allows for the possibility of off-planet intelligences, including some visiting Earth. 

Governments and organisations that continue to publicly deny the reality of UFOs are likely to lose credibility.

Many groups and organisations have taken the UFO/UAP conversation much further than the 6 stages listed above. Participation in those conversations is like being in a different world. A world with very different approaches to many of today's global challenges and very different ideas for a future planet Earth and humanity within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Friday, July 16, 2021

UAP/UFOs - An Integral Meta-Theory Exploration


(Click to enlarge each graphic)

[This post is available as a PDF]

Recent public and special interest UAP/UFO conversations appear to be getting broader and deeper. I've been learning how to explore this complex topic using a meta-theory framework of research methodologies based on Integral Theory

This integrative meta-theory process uses a '4-quadrant' framework that helps to determine our level of confidence in different UAP/UFO data, stories and claims. 

The 4 quadrants identify fundamentally different ways of perceiving and experiencing our world.

For each of these quadrants there are well established ways of knowing, collecting and processing data, and validating claims about the nature of reality.

These 4 quadrants bring different lenses to UAP/UFO research and analysis through Objective (IT), Subjective (I), Inter-subjective (WE) and Inter-objective (ITS) realities.

For example, different ways of exploring UAP/UFOs and related phenomena might sit in each quadrant as follows.

Let's consider a few common UAP/UFO topics in each quadrant. Each of these represents a data source which may be analysed leading to claims about that topic. 

The following lists one possible claim (in green) for each type of evidence. 

In the past most UAP/UFO conversation privileged the 'IT' quadrant - and for many this quadrant of 'Objective Reality' is still a key focus. It often involves conversations about observable empiric physical data. 

Integral theory reminds us that there are many other ways to explore reality that are just as important. Any claim based on evidence from just one quadrant can only ever be a partial view - part of the bigger picture.

One benefit of a 4 quadrant integral approach is that we can increase our understanding of, and confidence in, a particular claim by looking for corresponding claims based on data points in other quadrants. This approach to research is known as Integral Methodological Pluralism.

For example highlighted below are claims in different quadrants that are related to the assertion that Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) are visiting Earth with UAP/UFOs. 

When we discover similar claims based on  data points in multiple quadrants we may become more confident in a particular assertion.

Highlighted below are claims in different quadrants related to an assertion that some groups on Earth may know more about UAP/UFOs than they have publicly revealed.

When similar claims appear in multiple quadrants we may gain increasing confidence in those claims. We might choose to rate our level of confidence as follows:

The ratings below are indicative of my current levels of confidence in some UAP/UFO related claims arising from multiple research methodologies based on data points from different quadrants.

Different researchers may privilege particular quadrants, while completely ignoring others, which necessarily results in a partial view of a phenomenon.

In addition, a researcher's worldviews can colour their perceptions.

Individual worldviews may limit or expand our perceptions. Shared worldviews may do the same within disciplines or communities of practice. We can be blind to data points we "know can't possibly exist" because of our unquestioned beliefs and assumptions.

For example, those with positivistic classical views of the world may discount or not even recognise data points in the subjective or intersubjective quadrants. In the example we have been considering this may make 25% of data points invisible, or even if they are seen they may be easily discounted. 

Extending this example to those who may hold positivistic materialistic worldviews results in much more data becoming invisible or designated as 'nonsense' or 'immaterial' to "rigorous research". 

Taking this to its extreme we may consider a researcher with dominant worldviews that are world centric, positivistic and materialist who may not see any evidence of UAP/UFOs deemed worthy of consideration.

Of course we all have our blind spots. This is one reason why a 4-quadrant integral approach emphasises the importance of using multiple research methodologies spread across the quadrants.

The more we consider UAP/UFO research claims the more we are challenged to expand our worldviews. 

In many UAP/UFO conversations it's often apparent that 'experts' may only be expressing partial truths. Collaborative multidisciplinary international research is very much needed - as are scientific worldviews that expand beyond positivistic beliefs and assumptions.

This post has only been an introduction to a simple 4-quadrant integral approach. For a deeper consideration of integral approaches to the UAP/UFO issue see the following.

Piacenza, Giorgio (2019) Integral Ufology, Part Five

Esbjorn Hargens, Sean and Salzman, Jeff (2019) Taking Aliens Seriously - Interview Video and Transcript

Esbjorn Hargens, Sean (2020) Integral Ufology Panel Discussion - Video