Tuesday, September 29, 2020

We Can't Afford to Ignore UFOs

Most people ignore accounts of UFOs. This is understandable because UFOs are associated with ridicule, irrationality, taboo and disinformation.

For some the reality of UFOs lies outside their comfort zone or worldview. For others UFOs challenge the status quo which they believe threatens their current way of life.

The reality of UFOs point to profound insights and possibilities about life on Earth. The existence of UFOs expands our worldview and makes visible potential solutions to urgent global challenges.

After 20 years of solid evidence it no longer makes sense to ignore UFOs.

The existence of genuine UFOs and their unusual behaviour lead to some reasonable deductions most of which contradict generally accepted views.



UFOs are not ‘weather balloons’

Many UFO witness testimonies are genuine

UFOs can travel large distances very quickly

ETs can visit Earth from distant star systems

UFOs do not use fossil fuels or rockets

Alternative energy sources and technologies are available




UFOs have been witnessed for decades

There has been long running denial, ridicule and deception by authorities and complicit organisations

UFO visits are recorded throughout human history

The historical emergence of human civilisations and the evolution of DNA need to be reinterpreted

UFO flight behaviour implies technologies far beyond classical physics

There are alternative ways to travel interstellar distances




UFO craft have been retrieved

Navigation, communications, life support and other onboard UFO systems have probably been studied

Attempts to reverse engineer advanced technologies are likely

ETs (alive and/or dead) have probably been recovered




At least some UFOs are not from Earth

It is possible for planetary civilisations to overcome potentially self-destructive behaviours

Intelligent off-world beings exist

We need a galactic worldview 

Large UFOs can hover at low altitudes

Gravity control is possible

UFOs are challenging consensus reality. Their existence leads to deeper questioning, new possibilities and an expanded worldview. Their behaviour suggests there are very different ways to think about energy which may help to address pressing global challenges.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Paradoxically Normal

One aspect of the 'new normal' appears to be about being comfortable living with paradox.

2020 has increased the visibility of polarised views as many choose to hold fearful positions at the extremes. "I'm right and you are wrong!"

'Either-Or' thinking requires a choice. Either this is true or that is true and we eliminate any paradox or dilemma. 'Both-And' thinking is a different kind of logic where conflicting ideas can both be true. 

Paradox is about the natural and necessary presence of conflicting ideas at the same time. Paradoxes are an integral part of complex systems. They are a requirement for life to thrive.

Climate Change, Social Media, Pandemics and Conspiracy Theories all contain paradoxes that won't be resolved through 'Either-Or' disputes.

Engaging with a paradox can stimulate the creativity, innovation and transformation we need in these times.

2020 may be asking us to transcend 'Either-Or' thinking - or watch as the world mirrors our polarised beliefs and fears.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Human Galactic Histories: Part 1 - WHY?


There are many ways to explore UFOs. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens offers an Exo Studies Master Course that uses a multi-disciplinary approach within a meta-integral framework to explore UFOs and related phenomena.

For me one of the most powerful lenses to engage with during this course has been that of story - in particular history.

Much has been written about advanced civilisations in prehistory and galactic history. For many people however, these writings are assumed to be the stuff of legend, myth, fantasy, science fiction or delusion. This is often because people hold worldviews that exclude any possibility of it being actual history.

Presenting strong evidence is not always be an effective way to challenge a worldview. "The eye is blind to what the mind does not see." We hold on to our stories.

The Exo Studies multi-disciplinary approach to UFOs seriously challenges such limiting worldviews. In doing so it can shatter existing generally accepted stories that help us to make meaning of our realities and experiences. This can leave one feeling uneasy about what we know. Without coherent stories we can be left floundering in a vast ocean of apparently disconnected evidence.

For me as I digested the compelling evidence and began to embrace new perspectives it was important to have new stories that made sense.

These short prehistory and galactic history videos focus on some of those new stories. (Actually most of these stories are quite old.) They are an attempt to make meaning of the greatly expanded worldview that UFOs present.

In addition I found that the stories themselves were challenging my beliefs and assumptions in ways that sometimes evidence alone didn't. Story has a way of resonating with the heart and body that can be more convincing than evidence in the head. Story can be very powerful, speaking to the deeper or whole being.

I find there's a coherency across these histories that begins to build a meaningful meta-story from within an emerging galactic worldview. I believe there's much we can learn from this meta-story that could be applied to current global challenges and the co-creation of preferred futures.

For example reflections of events from the Orion Wars, Maldek, Mars, Lemuria and Atlantis appear to be playing out today. They may even be projections from unrecognised and unresolved trauma from the deep past. Some may say "those who are not aware of galactic history are in danger of repeating it" - or perhaps at least being triggered by it.

Finally, I chose these particular Galactic Histories because there is strong multi-disciplinary evidence that supports the stories. This helps me to both 'ground' the stories and flesh out the emerging meta-integral framework with which I am engaging.

More background and referencing for these galactic histories is available as a slide show in PDF form.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Transformational Times

UFO revelations by the New York Times over the last three years are changing public discourse.

This week's article 'No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit...' has well and truly moved the public conversation on from: "Are UFOs real?" We are no longer assuming all UFO reports are about  imagination, strange weather phenomenon, psychological projections or tin-hat conspiracy theories.

These are real objects with extraordinary flight paths. For some this is seen as a potential threat as it becomes clear that some 'intelligence' possesses unknown technologies with unheard of capabilities.

For many others it may challenge their dominant worldview - particularly if it has little room for even the possibility of off-world intelligence let alone any visiting our planet.

This week's NYT article takes things a step further in reporting that members of the US Congress and staffers, high level Pentagon officials and high level Department of Defence personnel have been briefed on UFO craft retrieval. 

The New York Times has a reputation for publishing iron-clad bullet-proof stories that inform national conversations and decision making. 

The idea that the Pentagon has off-world vehicles not made on Earth may not be news to some but it's significant news for the general public.

2020 has a reputation for events that challenge societal notions of what is 'normal' and what is 'real'.

Public confirmation of the reality of off-world craft is quickly becoming another unexpected dimension of our global 2020 experience.

Hopefully it's one that doesn't take too many people into denial or fear. 


Thursday, July 2, 2020

UFOs and Consensus Reality

Today is World UFO Day.

Why is this noteworthy? Because UFOs are challenging consensus reality now more than at anytime in the last 300 years. The dominant positivistic reductionistic world-views which have blinded particularly westernised societies to a narrow objective reality are being challenged.

In today's 'post-truth' world people are questioning consensus reality.

Climate change, the pandemic and UFOs are forcing many people to compare corporate and social media stories against their own lived experience and beliefs.

The UFO disclosures over the last decade from governments, organisations and individuals have led those who have had direct experiences suggesting the existence of extraterrestrial intelligences to question what is real.

Many have written about the significant shifts in thinking, beliefs and actions that are occurring this century across a range of domains.

Joanna Macy refers to the 'Great Turning' in her writings.
"... the Great Turning arises from shifts taking place in our hearts, our minds, and our views of reality."
Others have written about current radical shifts in technologies, paradigms and world-views.

Deeper questions about what exists or is real are questions of ontology.

The Great Turning may now include an 'Ontological Turning'. An ontological turn "suggests that there are alternate realities and other ways of being that exist in parallel with our own."

What  some are seeing as a dystopian post-truth 'fake news' era full of wild conspiracy theories held by 'others' who have lost touch with reality may be the result of cracks in consensus reality.

When "too many credible people are saying incredible things" it may be time to move beyond a polarised objective view of the REAL vs the UNREAL. It's too limiting and not very useful to assume that what can't be clearly perceived with the five senses is nonsense or unreal.

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens in a paper The Wild Kosmos! An Exo Studies Exploration of the Ontological Status of Non-Human Intelligences suggests it's time to embrace ontological indeterminacy.

Sean presents an Ontological Matrix that moves beyond the real-unreal binary.

Click graphic to enlarge

This ontological matrix helps us to make sense of UFOs and related phenomena as well as interpret rather than deny the direct experiences of a significant proportion of the population. 

With UFO disclosures on the increase we need post-material/post-positivist approaches that make room for the weird and wild that are challenging consensual reality.

In the current pandemic and in the light of climate change and social justice issues many are questioning the desire to return to  'business as usual'. Some are working towards the deeper transformative systemic changes of Joanna Macy's Great Turning. 

An 'ontological turning' that opens up new perspectives and possibilities through integrative and even galactic world-views may be exactly what we need. We are unlikely to solve problems from within the same thinking that created them.

World UFO Day is a reminder that things aren't quite as we were led to believe.

Friday, June 5, 2020

In the Wilds

I've been imaging alternative futures in a workshop that's part of an extraordinary online international conference The Wilds Beyond Climate Justice.

The collaborative workshop task is to imagine the life of a character who is a second generation descendant living on Earth in 2080.

My contribution has been informed by my experience in other workshops/events at this conference. For example in the opening 'acknowledgement of country' Ruth Langford spoke of country as the seen and unseen, the subtle and the multidimensional.

Bayo Akomolafe in A Cartography of Exile spoke of post activism, transfabulation and the importance of offering stories that are alternative to mainstream.

Daniel Floor in Breathing With the Dead spoke of the importance of the voices of the ancestors both human and non-human.

Will See and Iyafalola Omobola in Empowering the People spoke of the importance of examining individualism, materialism and the spiritual.

My contribution has also been strongly influenced by my recent participation in an Exo Studies Master Course with USA academic Sean Esbjörn-Hargens which examined the wilds of UFOs and anomalous phenomenon in the multidimensional universe within a meta-disciplinary framework.

Needless to say I'm letting my imagination roam freely in the wilds.
And yet there is so much more...

Exciting times!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Exo Studies for Understanding Extraordinary Times

Making sense of these extraordinary times is one outcome from an Exo Studies Master Course I just completed.

While a central focus of this course was UFOs/UAPs/ETs/EDs/NHIs it resulted in new perspectives and 'bigger pictures' for a range of personal and global issues.

In terms of UFOs it's clear we have known a great deal about this phenomenon for decades. Exploring 'UFO denial' highlights much that is in shadow across society and culture - although perhaps not for much longer.

The course encouraged me to take a step back, breathe and engage the heart before jumping to conclusions based on outdated habitual thinking.

Underpinning beliefs and assumptions were questioned leading to the transformation of my worldview to accommodate a range of phenomena and experience which previously made little sense.

I now have a much greater understanding of various agenda playing out on this planet. I find I can more comfortably assess sensational claims, discern disinformation, engage in meaningful discourse and make informed choices.

This allows me to remain more centered, compassionate and peaceful in these uncertain times. My expanded worldview is both holistic and galactic revealing new possibilities and realities. This helps me to navigate life, brings clarity to my being and doing, and assists in the co-creation of preferred futures.

A new website, WhatsUpWithUFOs provides quality links for those wanting to explore exo topics.

Exo Studies Master Course information is at https://www.exostudies.org

Friday, March 27, 2020

Sacred Relationships

I've been focusing on understanding and building sacred relationships. My current understanding of the nature of a sacred relationship is as follows.

Sacred relationships are about experiencing unity with another.
They are about recognising the divine in self and the 'other'.

Sacred relationships are about wholehearted love without judgement.
They are about giving and receiving as one.

Sacred relationships are relationships with truth rather than illusion.
They are joyful and exist within joy.

Sacred relationships exist in Oneness.
You cannot lose something or be separate from something that is one.

Making a relationship 'special' creates separation.
This is usually done to make self special, worthy of the love of someone called special.

Love is infinite, there is no need to ration it.
To claim to love someone more than anyone else is to love others less - to withhold love.

Making a relationship 'special' creates expectations and builds a relationship with illusion.
This blinds us to the full grandeur of another.

'Special' relationships lead to conditional love and fear.
Fear of loss of love, fear of separation, fear of loneliness.

Sacred relationships are a dance with the divine.
The divine feminine and masculine dance within self and within relationships.

The divine feminine is loving, compassionate, confident and powerful.
The divine masculine is loving, compassionate, confident and powerful.

Sacred relationships open a divine space for mutual healing and awakening.
Divine energies flow with shared trust, wisdom and love.

Sacred relationships are about being fully present in shared moments.
They are a safe haven for an intimate embracing of the Now.

Sacred relationships nurture opportunities for divine service.
The co-creation of collaborative service with others.

Every relationship is sacred. Every human is sovereign.
Every relationship is an adventurous journey in love and wholeness.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Exo Studies Course - Reflections and Directions

Act Local, Think Global, Be Cosmic!

These are my reflections and possible next steps having recently completed an Exo Studies Master Course.

"Exo studies is the metadisciplinary study of all the anomalous phenomena that lie outside our current models of explanation and views of reality."

Topics included ETs (extra-terriestials), EDs (extra-dimensionals), UFO/UAPs (unidentified flying objects/unidentified aerial phenomenon), consciousness studies, conspiracy theories, disinformation, and much more.

How has my thinking/worldview changed?

Although my dominant worldview coming into this course could be described as holistic/integral and within which parapsychology, advanced prehistorical civilisations and celestial intelligences were accommodated, ETs represented a gaping hole in my knowledge and understanding of the bigger cosmic picture.

I now believe that a more holistic and galactic worldview will be essential in navigating the 2020s. Exo Studies topics help to make sense of these turbulent times by encouraging one to step back, look for new perspectives and embrace multidisciplinary approaches.

The course provided me with a deeper understanding of the limitations and potentials of integral frameworks when engaging in critical and open thinking, and navigating weirdness. It created a safe space for considering multiple perspectives and possibilities, rather than jumping to answers or falling back on old beliefs.

What were my favorite topics?

All topics in the Exo Studies Course were intrinsically interesting as was the process of exploring links between topics and bigger picture frameworks. 

I was also able to link topics to areas I had previously studied such as transpersonal psychology, integral theory, parapsychology, advanced prehistorical civilisations and spirituality. 

For me galactic history, ET/ED diversity, galactic agenda and exopolitics were some of my favourite topics. This is probably because I believe they lead to larger contexts and understandings that are directly relevant to contemporary global challenges and the conscious evolution of humanity.

Galactic humanoid history in particular integrates well with my understanding of Earth's long prehistory of advanced civilisations.

What would I like to see more of? 

I believe the important topic of our time is the evolution of human consciousness. This involves the evolution of Earth/Gaia and its web of life. The evolution of human consciousness necessarily involves the journey of the galactic human family.

A great deal has been written about the great awakening, systemic transformation, Christ/Buddha consciousness, end/beginning times, cosmic cycles of growth, enlightenment, the divine feminine/masculine and 'ascension'.

In fact the very existence of the Exo Studies Course could be seen as an expression of the evolution of human consciousness.

What are my biggest takeaways from the course?

  • It's possible to make sense of many apparently weird Exo Studies topics rationally, emotionally and spiritually within larger frameworks.
  • You can always question even your most cherished beliefs and assumptions.
  • There's some truth in most Exo Studies related stories although they are best held lightly.
  • Emergent and emerging thinking across 21st century disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields is very different from the past. For example new thinking in cosmology, ecology, physics, consciousness studies increasingly takes post-positivistic approaches.
  • My own inner guidance/resonance is a reliable pointer in navigating Exo Studies related topics.
  • Sean Esbjörn-Hargens brought credibility to exo studies - as did many of the course's participants.
  • I strongly support grounded compassionate inquiry.

What are my next steps?

Over the last few years my learning has been focused on conscious evolution, understanding challenging global issues and building sacred relationships. I've been a frequent visitor to Gaia.com and have done some courses including Metaphysics and Mystery, A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love.

During the Exo Studies Course I've also been involved in visioning processes to explore possible directions for what I believe will be an historic next decade. The following graphic indicates some of the passions/drivers moving me forward.

Click to enlarge

As this course closes I find I'm now asking myself new questions related to ETs and EDs.

I also notice I’m much more comfortable responding to Exo Studies related questions from friends within a context of helping people make sense of their own experiences - internal and external.

I've found that Lyssa Royal's Galactic Heritage Cards are a very comfortable and fun entry to deeper conversations related to personal and global issues with links to many Exo Studies topics. The new What's Up With UFOs website will provide a fantastic resource for those who want a deeper dive.

If it takes a village to raise a child, perhaps it takes a planet to raise an adult, and a galaxy to raise humanity.

Moving forward I'm becoming more interested in exploring decision making and co-creation within a multidimensional holistic/galactic worldview.

I'm interested in holistic/integral education and the potential of immersive virtual worlds to provide opportunities to inhabit an holistic/galactic worldview.

For me the bigger picture involves the move of Earth/Gaia and humanity to 4D/5D.

In what ways can we thrive and not just survive the 2020s?

Monday, February 24, 2020

Our Post-Disclosure World

As an important Exo Studies Master Course draws to a close I find myself asking new questions about life in a post-disclosure world as humanity begins to grapple with the reality of extra-terrestial (ET) and extra-dimensional (ED) intelligences interacting with Earth.
  • How many different ETs/EDs are currently observing or interacting with Earth?
  • What are the different cultures of ETs from planets/star systems?
  • What principles, protocols and practices guide galactic alliances?
  • In what ways has galactic history impacted Earth history?
  • Which Earth species were seeded from other star systems?
  • What is the galactic history of human DNA?
  • Which planets/star systems have cultural links with Earth cultures?
  • What does Earth politics and governance look like in a post-disclosure world?
  • How does a galactic worldview change decision making on Earth?
  • What does democracy look like in post-disclosure societies?
  • How do we integrate information gained through contact with ETs/EDs by individuals, citizen groups and governments?
  • How do we discern which ET/ED advice/support is best for humanity and the Earth?
  • How do we best acknowledge and then move on from pre-disclosure trauma, suppression and disinformation?
  • In what ways can we support those who may face an existential crisis in a post-disclosure world?
  • Who will be most advantaged and disadvantaged in a post-disclosure world?
  • How will disclosure impact nation states?
  • What new opportunities are there in addressing pressing global issues in a post-disclosure world?
  • What new perspectives does a galactic worldview bring to global issues?
  • How do increasing frequencies impact zero-point energy technologies?
  • What is unique about Earth within our galactic neighbourhood?
  • What is unique about our solar system within our galactic neighbourhood?
  • What opportunities exist for trade and exchange with our galactic neighbours?