Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 - Same Planet, Different World

The world changed in many ways during 2020-2021 and so did the views and beliefs of millions. One change which isn’t widely known concerns UFOs. As the UFO story continues to unfold it’s likely to change our world.

The new ‘UFO Office’ within the 2022 US defence bill points to some significant shifts in dominant (western) beliefs and assumptions about the world in which we live. Worldviews have been expanding in recent decades to include new understandings of studies in consciousness, quantum realities and the cosmos.

An emerging ‘galactic worldview’ moves beyond an Earth centric notion of evolution to a galaxy full of intelligent life. NASA has consulted theologians to advise on how humans will react to news that intelligent life exists on other planets.

The historic release of confirmed UFO videos by the New York Times in 2017 and the US government’s June 2021 public admission that UFOs (now called UAP) ARE REAL signify deep changes in the way many people are seeing and experiencing reality.

In a sign of a weakening UFO taboo, award winning investigative journalists have written news stories and books covering decades of UFO research. In 2021 Australian Ross Coulthart published ‘In Pain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science’ as well as related documentary films some of which reached some very large audiences.

The 2020 documentary ‘The Phenomenon’ is one of many that bring a credible story of UFOs to larger audiences.

While much public UFO conversation is currently dominated by nuts and bolts physical evidence there are many groups discussing a wide range of issues that recognise decades of research, recently released classified documents and the validity of information from those who have experienced UFO related phenomena.

It seems likely that public awareness and conversation of UFOs and related phenomena will now progress through stages beginning with the following.
  1. UFOs are real and some are most likely off-planet in origin with very advanced energy sources and manoeuvrability
  2. Consciousness plays a major role in UFO and related phenomena
  3. People have had close encounters with UFOs and their occupants
  4. Some groups/organisations have ‘meta-materials’ that are most likely off-planet in origin
  5. Some groups/organisations have recovered crashed/landed off-world vehicles
  6. Some groups/organisations have recovered non-human/ET bodies
There are indications that this public conversation will become much more widespread during 2022. 

Those that comfortably engage with this conversation are likely to embrace (or already embrace) a more galactic worldview with very different beliefs about the nature of the cosmos. This more galactic worldview allows for the possibility of off-planet intelligences, including some visiting Earth. 

Governments and organisations that continue to publicly deny the reality of UFOs are likely to lose credibility.

Many groups and organisations have taken the UFO/UAP conversation much further than the 6 stages listed above. Participation in those conversations is like being in a different world. A world with very different approaches to many of today's global challenges and very different ideas for a future planet Earth and humanity within the Milky Way Galaxy.

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